„CONNECT2025 stands for „Connective Tissues in Sports Medicine“. This international congress, which takes place every four years, is a highlight that sheds light on the role of fascial tissues in sport and movement. The congress is organized by the Chair of Conservative and Rehabilitative Orthopaedics under the direction of Prof. Dr. med. Horstmann in cooperation with the Fascia Research Charity Association under the direction of Dr. Robert Schleip.
Renowned international researchers will provide exciting insights into current work in the field of connective tissue research. In addition, more than 10 research groups will present their respective projects in the field of fascia in athletic training, rehabilitation and human health.
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to gain the latest insights and direct application of knowledge in dealing with clients, athletes and patients.
Havard University, Department of Human Evolutionary Biology
Thema: tba
University of South Florida
founding Director of the Spaulding National Running Center at the Harvard Medical School
Thema: tba
Dr. Katja Bartsch
Sports Scientist, Technical University Munich
Professor in Sports Medicine, Faculty of Health & Medical Sciences
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Head & Consultant, Institute of Sports Medicine
Dept of Orthopedic Surgery
Department of Training and Movement Sciences,
interaction of the neural and musculoskeletal system
Humboldt University of Berlin
Topic: tba
Humboldt University of Berlin
Professor, Institute of Human Movement Science, Sport and Health
University of Graz, Austria
Department of Neuromotor Skills and Movement,
Institute of Sports Science, University of Bayreuth
Faszienforschung TUM School of Medicine and Health Technische Universität München
Professor at Federal University of Minas, Gerais, Brasil CONNECT2025
TUM Campus im Olympiapark
Conollystraße 32
80809 München
Der TUM Campus im Olympiapark liegt im Norden des Parks, unmittelbar angrenzend an den mittleren Ring (Georg-Brauchle-Ring). Du erreichst das Gelände an der Connollystraße 32 mit dem Auto über die Lerchenauer Straße. Auf dem Campus sind Parkmöglichkeiten vorhanden.
Mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln nimm bitte die U-Bahn-Linie U3 oder U8 (Haltestelle: Olympiazentrum). Der Campus liegt ungefähr fünf bis zehn Gehminuten von der Haltestelle entfernt.